Our Leadership

Our mission is to unleash the desire and capacity of people across America to welcome newcomers and help them thrive.

Honorary Co-chairs

Four former Presidents and four former First Ladies have joined us as partners in this effort, bringing Americans together in the common purpose of offering safety to those in need of refuge from war, violence, and persecution.

  • Portrait of President Barack Obama

    President Barack Obama

  • Portrait of Michelle Obama

    Michelle Obama

  • Portrait of President George W. Bush

    President George W. Bush

  • Portrait of Laura Bush

    Laura Bush

  • Portrait of President Bill Clinton

    President Bill Clinton

  • Portrait of Secretary Hillary Clinton

    Secretary Hillary Clinton

  • Portrait of President Jimmy Carter

    President Jimmy Carter

  • Portrait of Rosalynn Carter

    Rosalynn Carter

    (In Memoriam)

Welcome.US Leaders

Our mission is to unleash the desire and capacity of people across America to welcome newcomers and help them thrive.

  • Portrait of Nazanin Ash

    Nazanin Ash

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Portrait of Anya McMurray

    Anya McMurray

    President & COO

  • Portrait of Cecilia Muñoz

    Cecilia Muñoz


  • Portrait of John Bridgeland

    John Bridgeland


  • Portrait of Lauren Gray

    Lauren Gray

    Chief Development & Partnerships Officer

  • Portrait of Monna Kashfi

    Monna Kashfi

    VP Content & Communications

  • Portrait of Kari McDonough

    Kari McDonough

    Welcome Fund Sr. Advisor

  • Portrait of Kit Taintor

    Kit Taintor

    VP Policy and Practice

  • Portrait of Rachel Quint

    Rachel Quint

    Chief of Staff, VP Strategy

  • Portrait of Dan Vega

    Dan Vega

    VP Corporate Programs

The Welcome Council

The Welcome Council includes a diverse group of leaders working to build a broad welcome movement. They share a common belief that welcoming newcomers is who we are at our best, and a commitment to lifting up that message in their communities.

  • Portrait of Ambassador Javid Ahmad

    Ambassador Javid Ahmad

    Atlantic Council

  • Portrait of Basma Alawee

    Basma Alawee

    National Campaign Manager, National Partnership for New Americans

  • Portrait of Douglas X. Alexander

    Douglas X. Alexander

    LCIF Chairperson

  • Portrait of Sharif Aly

    Sharif Aly

    CEO, Islamic Relief USA

  • Portrait of Rina Amiri

    Rina Amiri

  • Portrait of Shamail Amiri

    Shamail Amiri

    Delegate for California. Refugee Congress

  • Portrait of Greg Anderson

    Greg Anderson

    Senior Managing Director – Human Resources, Accenture

  • Portrait of José Andrés

    José Andrés

    Chef & Founder, World Central Kitchen

  • Portrait of Brother Luke Armour

    Brother Luke Armour

    Trappist Monk, Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, Trappist, KY

  • Portrait of Bilal Askaryar

    Bilal Askaryar

    Influencer and Activist

  • Portrait of Joseph Azam

    Joseph Azam

    Board Member, Afghan-American Foundation

  • Portrait of Samadi Bahram

    Samadi Bahram

    United States Country Director, Women for Afghan Women (WAW)

  • Portrait of Rye Barcott

    Rye Barcott

    CEO, With Honor

  • Portrait of Melody Barnes

    Melody Barnes

    Co-Director for Policy & Public Affairs, Democracy Initiative

  • Portrait of Dan Bartlett

    Dan Bartlett

    EVP, Corporate Affairs, Walmart

  • Portrait of Jenna Ben-Yahuda

    Jenna Ben-Yahuda

    President & CEO, Truman National Security Project

  • Portrait of Mayor R.J. Berry

    Mayor R.J. Berry

    Former Mayor, Albuquerque

  • Portrait of Rich Besser

    Rich Besser

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

  • Portrait of Nate Blecharczyk

    Nate Blecharczyk

    Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Airbnb

  • Portrait of Rebecca Blumenstein

    Rebecca Blumenstein

    Deputy Managing Editor, The New York Times

  • Portrait of Josh Bolten

    Josh Bolten

    President & CEO, Business Roundtable

  • Portrait of Michael Breen

    Michael Breen

    President & CEO, Human Rights First

  • Portrait of Connie Britton

    Connie Britton


  • Portrait of Governor Sam Brownback

    Governor Sam Brownback

    Former Governor and Senator, Kansas

  • Portrait of Mary Beth Bruggeman

    Mary Beth Bruggeman

    CEO, The Mission Continues

  • Portrait of Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL)

    Governor Jeb Bush (R-FL)

    Former Governor, Florida

  • Portrait of Sophia Bush

    Sophia Bush

    Actress, Activist, Co-founder, I am a Voter

  • Portrait of Caleb Campbell

    Caleb Campbell

    Lead Pastor, Desert Springs Bible Church

  • Portrait of Bill Canny

    Bill Canny

    Executive Director, Migration and Refugee Services, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

  • Portrait of Bonnie Carroll

    Bonnie Carroll

    President & Founder, TAPS

  • Portrait of Maureen E. Casey

    Maureen E. Casey

    COO, Institute for Veterans and Military Families

  • Portrait of Carolyn Cawley

    Carolyn Cawley

    President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

  • Portrait of Oscar Chacon

    Oscar Chacon

    Executive Director, Alianza Americas

  • Portrait of Ray Chambers

    Ray Chambers

    Ambassador for Global Strategy. WHO

  • Portrait of Wendy Chan

    Wendy Chan

    Co-founder, One Journey

  • Portrait of Sasha Chanoff

    Sasha Chanoff

    Founder & Executive Director, Refuge Point

  • Portrait of Cher


    Musician, Actor, and Activist

  • Portrait of Brian Chesky

    Brian Chesky

    Co-Founder & CEO, Airbnb

  • Portrait of Alexa Chopivsky

    Alexa Chopivsky

    Executive Director, Ukraine House Davos; Ukraine Invest; Board, Teach for Ukraine

  • Portrait of Deepak Chopra

    Deepak Chopra

    Founder, The Chopra Foundation

  • Portrait of John Culver

    John Culver

    COO, Starbucks Coffee Company

  • Portrait of Bishop Michael Curry

    Bishop Michael Curry

    The Episcopal Church

  • Portrait of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel

    His Eminence Archbishop Daniel

  • Portrait of Mizgon Darby

    Mizgon Darby

    Program Manager, Afghan Coalition

  • Portrait of Farhad Darya

    Farhad Darya

    Afghan Singer

  • Portrait of Sloane Davidson

    Sloane Davidson

    Founder & CEO, Hello Neighbor

  • Portrait of Mandana Dayani

    Mandana Dayani

    Creator & Co-founder, I am a Voter

  • Portrait of Patricia de Stacy Harrison

    Patricia de Stacy Harrison

    President & CEO, Corporation for Public Broadcasting

  • Portrait of Ambassador Paula J. Dobriansky

    Ambassador Paula J. Dobriansky

    Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

  • Portrait of Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville

    Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville

    USCCB Committee on Migration

  • Portrait of Margo Drakos

    Margo Drakos

    Co-Founder, Artist Year

  • Portrait of Emal Dusst

    Emal Dusst

    Impact Investor, Sterling Partners

  • Portrait of Allison Duvall

    Allison Duvall

    Church Relations and Engagement, Episcopal Migration Ministries

  • Portrait of Gary Edson

    Gary Edson

    President, COVID Collaborative

  • Portrait of David S. Evangelista

    David S. Evangelista

    President and Managing Director, Special Olympics Europe Eurasia; Senior Advisor, International Development, Special Olympics, Inc.

  • Portrait of Eric Eversole

    Eric Eversole

    President, Hiring Our Heroes, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

  • Portrait of Elham Fanous

    Elham Fanous


  • Portrait of Geeta Farahmand

    Geeta Farahmand

    Refugee Congress

  • Portrait of David French

    David French

    Senior Editor, The Dispatch

  • Portrait of Andrew Futey

    Andrew Futey

    President, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America; Vice President, Ukrainian World Congress

  • Portrait of Tim Garvin

    Tim Garvin

    President and CEO, United Way of Central Massachusetts

  • Portrait of Joe Gebbia

    Joe Gebbia

    Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Airbnb

  • Portrait of Michael Gerson

    Michael Gerson

    Columnist, The Washington Post

  • Portrait of Azita Ghanizada

    Azita Ghanizada

    Actress, Founder MENA Arts Advocacy Coalition

  • Portrait of Don Gips

    Don Gips

    CEO, Skoll Foundation

  • Portrait of Tony Goldwyn

    Tony Goldwyn

    Actor, Director, and Activist

  • Portrait of Metropolitan Archbishop Borys Gudziak

    Metropolitan Archbishop Borys Gudziak

    Metropolitan Archbishop of Philadelphia; Head of the Department of External Church Relations, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; President, Ukrainian Catholic University

  • Portrait of Reverend Cynthia Hale

    Reverend Cynthia Hale

    Founder & Senior Pastor, Ray of Hope Christian Church

  • Portrait of Cherie Harder

    Cherie Harder

    President, The Trinity Forum

  • Portrait of Nadia Hashimi

    Nadia Hashimi

    Pediatrician and Novelist

  • Portrait of Stephen Heintz

    Stephen Heintz

    President, Rockefeller Brothers Fund

  • Portrait of Becca Heller

    Becca Heller

    Executive Director, IRAP

  • Portrait of Wade Henderson

    Wade Henderson

    Interim President & CEO, The Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights

  • Portrait of Gov. Gary Herbert (R-UT)

    Gov. Gary Herbert (R-UT)

    Former Governor, Utah

  • Portrait of John E.  Herbst

    John E. Herbst

    Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

  • Portrait of Mark Hetfield

    Mark Hetfield

    President & CEO, HIAS

  • Portrait of John Hewko

    John Hewko

    General Secretary/CEO, Rotary International

  • Portrait of Marielena Hincapie

    Marielena Hincapie

    Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center

  • Portrait of Khaled Hosseini

    Khaled Hosseini

    Afghan-American novelist

  • Portrait of Dave Isay

    Dave Isay

    CEO, StoryCorps

  • Portrait of Laleh Ispahani

    Laleh Ispahani

    Co-Director, Open Society Foundations

  • Portrait of Natalie Jaresko

    Natalie Jaresko

    Former Minister of Finance for Ukraine; Aspen Institute Trustee, Chair, Aspen Kyiv

  • Portrait of Irene Jarosewich

    Irene Jarosewich

    Ukrainian National Association

  • Portrait of Secretary Jeh Johnson

    Secretary Jeh Johnson

    Former Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

  • Portrait of Guerline Jozef

    Guerline Jozef

    Co-founder & Executive Director, Haitian Bridge Alliance

  • Portrait of Miranda Kaiser

    Miranda Kaiser

    President, USAHello

  • Portrait of Erol Kekic

    Erol Kekic

    Senior Vice President, CWS

  • Portrait of Governor Dirk Kempthorne (R-ID)

    Governor Dirk Kempthorne (R-ID)

    Former Governor, Idaho, Former Secretary of Interior

  • Portrait of Sean Kennedy

    Sean Kennedy

    Executive Vice President, Public Affairs, National Restaurant Association

  • Portrait of Sheri Kersch Schultz

    Sheri Kersch Schultz

    Co-founder & Chair, Schultz Family Foundation

  • Portrait of Alan Khazei

    Alan Khazei

  • Portrait of Walter Kim

    Walter Kim

    President, National Association of Evangelicals

  • Portrait of Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

    Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

    Senior Rabbi, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah

  • Portrait of Sarah Krause

    Sarah Krause

    Co-Founder & Executive Director, Community Sponsorship Hub

  • Portrait of Jina Krause-Vilmar

    Jina Krause-Vilmar

    President & CEO, Upwardly Global

  • Portrait of Victoria Kulik

    Victoria Kulik

    President, Ukrainian American Bar Association

  • Portrait of Matthew La Corte

    Matthew La Corte

    Government Affairs Manager, Niskanen Center

  • Portrait of Padma Lakshmi

    Padma Lakshmi


  • Portrait of Nila Latif

    Nila Latif

    Virginia Council Muslim Organization (VCMO) and Afghan Refugee Crisis Committee (ARCC)

  • Portrait of Jack Leslie

    Jack Leslie

    Senior Advisor, Weber Shandwick

  • Portrait of Mark B. Levin

    Mark B. Levin

    Executive Vice-Chairman and CEO of NCSEJ: National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry

  • Portrait of David Linde

    David Linde

    CEO, Participant

  • Portrait of Michael Linnington

    Michael Linnington

    CEO, Wounded Warrior Project

  • Portrait of Eric Liu

    Eric Liu

    CEO, Citizen University

  • Portrait of Yo-Yo Ma

    Yo-Yo Ma


  • Portrait of Imam Mohamed Magid

    Imam Mohamed Magid

    Board of Trustees, All Dulles Area Muslim Society

  • Portrait of Katherine Maher

    Katherine Maher

    Former CEO, Wikimedia Foundation

  • Portrait of Gregory Maniatis

    Gregory Maniatis

    Director, International Migration Initiative, Open Society Foundations

  • Portrait of Ryan Manion

    Ryan Manion

    CEO, Travis Manion Foundation

  • Portrait of Anita McBride

    Anita McBride

    Fmr. Chief of Staff to Laura Bush & US-Afghan Women's Council

  • Portrait of General Stan McChrystal

    General Stan McChrystal

    Commander, Joint Special Operations Command

  • Portrait of Nadia McConnell

    Nadia McConnell

    Co-Founder & CEO, U.S.-Ukraine Foundation

  • Portrait of David McCraw

    David McCraw

    VP & Deputy General Counsel, New York Times

  • Portrait of Nicole Melaku

    Nicole Melaku

    Executive Director, National Partnership for New Americans

  • Portrait of Debra Messing

    Debra Messing

    Actress & Activist

  • Portrait of David Miliband

    David Miliband

    President & CEO, International Rescue Committee

  • Portrait of Rabbi Jack Moline

    Rabbi Jack Moline

    President, Interfaith Alliance

  • Portrait of Janet Murguia

    Janet Murguia

    President & CEO, UnidosUS

  • Portrait of Dr. Kerry Murphy Healey

    Dr. Kerry Murphy Healey

    President, Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream

  • Portrait of Zainab Nazary

    Zainab Nazary

    Advocacy Director, Fresh Start Refugee Assistance Center

  • Portrait of Eskinder Negash

    Eskinder Negash

    President & CEO, USCRI

  • Portrait of Ali Noorani

    Ali Noorani

    President & CEO, National Immigration Forum

  • Portrait of Michelle Nunn

    Michelle Nunn

    President & CEO, CARE

  • Portrait of Nadia Nynka

    Nadia Nynka

    Vice President, Ukrainian National Women’s League of America

  • Portrait of Paul O'Brien

    Paul O'Brien

    Executive Director, Amnesty International USA

  • Portrait of Krish O'Mara Vignarajah

    Krish O'Mara Vignarajah

    President & CEO, LIRS

  • Portrait of Edafe Okporo

    Edafe Okporo

    Activist & Author

  • Portrait of David Paine

    David Paine

    Co-Founder, 9/11 Day

  • Portrait of Chris Palusky

    Chris Palusky

    President & CEO, Bethany

  • Portrait of Farah Pandith

    Farah Pandith

    Former Special Representative to Muslim Communities, U.S. Department of State

  • Portrait of Governor Deval  Patrick (D-MA)

    Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA)

    Former Governor, Massachusetts

  • Portrait of Nillab Pazhwak

    Nillab Pazhwak

    Co-founder, Board Member, Afghan-American Women Association

  • Portrait of Rachel Perić

    Rachel Perić

    Executive Director of Welcoming America

  • Portrait of Ai-jen Poo

    Ai-jen Poo

    Co-founder & Executive Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance

  • Portrait of Farhat Popal

    Farhat Popal

    Advisor, Women's Initiative, George W. Bush Institute

  • Portrait of Laurene Powell Jobs

    Laurene Powell Jobs

    President, Emerson Collective

  • Portrait of Dina Powell McCormick

    Dina Powell McCormick

    Global Head, Goldman Sachs

  • Portrait of Secretary Steve Preston

    Secretary Steve Preston

    President & CEO, Goodwill Industries International

  • Portrait of Chris Purdy

    Chris Purdy

    Director, VFAI

  • Portrait of Secretary Condoleezza Rice

    Secretary Condoleezza Rice

    Former Secretary of State

  • Portrait of Jeremy Robbins

    Jeremy Robbins

    Executive Director, New American Economy

  • Portrait of Kenneth Roth

    Kenneth Roth

    Executive Director, Human Rights Watch

  • Portrait of Kathy Roth-Douquet

    Kathy Roth-Douquet

    CEO, Blue Star Families

  • Portrait of Reverend Gabe Salguero

    Reverend Gabe Salguero

    President & Founder, National Latino Evangelical Coalition

  • Portrait of Rabbi David Saperstein

    Rabbi David Saperstein

    Former Ambassador for International Religious Freedom

  • Portrait of Nili Sarit Yossinger

    Nili Sarit Yossinger

    Executive Director, Refugee Congress

  • Portrait of Michael Sawkiw, Jr.

    Michael Sawkiw, Jr.

    Executive Vice President, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America; Director, Ukrainian National Information Service

  • Portrait of Eric & Wendy Schmidt

    Eric & Wendy Schmidt

    Co-founders, The Schmidt Family Foundation

  • Portrait of Liz Schrayer

    Liz Schrayer

    President & CEO, US Global Leadership Coalition

  • Portrait of Howard Schultz

    Howard Schultz

    Former CEO & Chairman Emeritus, Starbucks Coffee Company

  • Portrait of Steve Schwab

    Steve Schwab

    CEO, The Elizabeth Dole Foundation

  • Portrait of Eric Schwartz

    Eric Schwartz

    President, Refugees International

  • Portrait of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-KS)

    Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-KS)

    Former Governor, Kansas

  • Portrait of Ed Shapiro

    Ed Shapiro

    Trustee, Shapiro Family Foundation

  • Portrait of Brian Sheehan

    Brian Sheehan

    International President, Lions Club International

  • Portrait of Sarah Sheffer

    Sarah Sheffer

    Interim Director, Refugee Advocacy Lab

  • Portrait of Lisa Sherman

    Lisa Sherman

    President & CEO, Ad Council

  • Portrait of Billy Shore

    Billy Shore

    Founder & CEO, Share our Strength

  • Portrait of Maria Shriver

    Maria Shriver

    Journalist & Author

  • Portrait of Tim Shriver

    Tim Shriver

    OAP, Special Olympics, UNITE

  • Portrait of Michael Singh

    Michael Singh

    Managing Director and Senior Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

  • Portrait of Anne-Marie Slaughter

    Anne-Marie Slaughter

    CEO, New America

  • Portrait of John Slocum

    John Slocum

    Interim Executive Director, RCUSA

  • Portrait of Brad Smith

    Brad Smith

    President, Microsoft

  • Portrait of Jay Snyder

    Jay Snyder

    Founder & Chairman, Open Hands Initiative

  • Portrait of David Solomon

    David Solomon

    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Goldman Sachs

  • Portrait of Stephanie Summers

    Stephanie Summers

    CEO, Center for Public Justice

  • Portrait of Yuriy Symczyk

    Yuriy Symczyk

    COO, Ukrainian National Association

  • Portrait of William B. Taylor

    William B. Taylor

    Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

  • Portrait of Tsehaye Teferra

    Tsehaye Teferra

    President & CEO, ECDC

  • Portrait of Cardinal Joseph Tobin

    Cardinal Joseph Tobin

    Archdiocese of Newark

  • Portrait of Natalie Tran

    Natalie Tran

    Executive Director, Creative Artists Agency Foundation

  • Portrait of Hamdi Ulukaya

    Hamdi Ulukaya

    CEO, Chobani

  • Portrait of Shawn VanDiver

    Shawn VanDiver

    President and Board Chairman, #AfghanEvac

  • Portrait of Ambassador Melanne Verveer

    Ambassador Melanne Verveer

    Executive Director, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security

  • Portrait of U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Alexander Vindman

    U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Alexander Vindman

    Former Director, European & Russian Affairs, White House National Security Council

  • Portrait of Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai

    Mozhgan Wafiq Alokozai

    Founder/CEO Of Eagle Online Academy

  • Portrait of Bradley Whitford

    Bradley Whitford

    Actor, Producer, & Activist

  • Portrait of Hon. Doug Wilson

    Hon. Doug Wilson

    Co-Founder & Board Chair, Vets’ Community Connections

  • Portrait of Heather Wilson

    Heather Wilson

    President, The University of Texas at El Paso, former U.S. Secretary of the Air Force

  • Portrait of Jim Winkler

    Jim Winkler

    President & General Secretary, National Council of Churches

  • Portrait of Jay Winuk

    Jay Winuk

    Co-Founder, 9/11 Day

  • Portrait of Jake Wood

    Jake Wood

    Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, Team Rubicon

  • Portrait of Jocelyn Wyatt

    Jocelyn Wyatt

    CEO, Alight

  • Portrait of Jenny Yang

    Jenny Yang

    SVP of Advocacy & Policy, World Relief

  • Portrait of Wendy Young

    Wendy Young

    President, KIND

  • Portrait of Marie Yovanovitch

    Marie Yovanovitch

    Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

  • Portrait of Marianna Zajac

    Marianna Zajac

    First Vice-President, World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO) and Honorary President, Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA)

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